Source code for vishap.base

__title__ = 'vishap.base'
__author__ = 'Artur Barseghyan <>'
__copyright__ = 'Copyright (c) 2013 Artur Barseghyan'
__license__ = 'GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1'
__all__ = ('BaseVideoPlugin', 'plugin_registry')

import re

from six import string_types

from vishap.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured, InvalidRegistryItemType

mark_safe = lambda s: s

[docs]class BaseVideoPlugin(object): """ Base video plugin. """ uid = None name = None description = None url_pattern = None id_pattern = None thumbnail_pattern = None embed_code = None width_param_code = 'width="{width}"' height_param_code = 'height="{height}"' def __init__(self): # Making sure all necessary properties are defined. for prop in ('uid', 'name', 'url_pattern', 'embed_code', 'width_param_code', 'height_param_code'): if not getattr(self, prop): raise ImproperlyConfigured( "You should define ``{0}`` property in your ``{1}.{2}`` class.".format( prop, self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__ ) ) # Making sure all necessary methods are defined. for meth in ('match', 'render'): if not callable(getattr(self, meth, None)): raise ImproperlyConfigured( "You should define ``{0}`` method in your ``{1}.{2}`` class.".format( prop, self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__ ) ) self.regex = re.compile(self.url_pattern) def _match(self, url): """ Generic check if URL matches the pattern. :param str url: :return bool: """ match = self.regex.match(url) return match
[docs] def match(self, url): """ Check if URL matches the pattern. :param str url: :return bool: """ return self._match(url)
def _render(self, url, width=None, height=None): """ Renders the HTML code of embed video based on from URL given. :param str url: :param int width: :param int height: :return str: """ match = self.match(url) if match: video_id ='value') options = [] if width: options.append(self.width_param_code.format(width=width)) if height: options.append(self.height_param_code.format(height=height)) response = mark_safe(self.embed_code.format(video_id=video_id, options=' '.join(options))) return response return ''
[docs] def render(self, url, width=None, height=None): """ Renders the HTML code of embed video based on from URL given. :param str url: :param int width: :param int height: :return str: """ return self._render(url=url, width=width, height=height)
class BaseRegistry(object): """ Registry of dash plugins. It's essential, that class registered has the ``uid`` property. """ type = None def __init__(self): assert self.type self._registry = {} self._forced = [] def register(self, cls, force=False): """ Registers the plugin in the registry. :param mixed. """ if not issubclass(cls, self.type): raise InvalidRegistryItemType("Invalid item type `{0}` for registry `{1}`".format(cls, self.__class__)) # If item has not been forced yet, add/replace its' value in the registry if force: if not cls.uid in self._forced: self._registry[cls.uid] = cls self._forced.append(cls.uid) return True else: return False else: if cls.uid in self._registry: return False else: self._registry[cls.uid] = cls return True def unregister(self, cls): uid = None # Unregister by ``uid``. if isinstance(cls, string_types): uid = cls elif issubclass(cls, self.type): uid = cls.uid else: raise InvalidRegistryItemType("Invalid item type `{0}` for registry `{1}`".format(cls, self.__class__)) # Only non-forced items are allowed to be unregistered. if uid in self._registry and not uid in self._forced: self._registry.pop(uid) return True else: return False def get(self, uid, default=None): """ Gets the given entry from the registry. :param str uid: :return mixed. """ return self._registry.get(uid, default) class PluginRegistry(BaseRegistry): """ Plugin registry. """ type = BaseVideoPlugin # Register plugins by calling plugin_registry.register() plugin_registry = PluginRegistry()